Lesson plans
Here you will find around 100 lessons plans for you to use, adapt, customise, and personalise.
Click on a concept to view sample lesson plans for tips and generalisation ideas.
Each lesson plan can be downloaded and saved as a PDF for your reference.
Early Concepts: English
More coming soon!
- Appropriate frequency of masturbation
- Awareness of redressing after masturbation
- Awareness of when is a good time to masturbate
- Can you masturbate with other people?
- Changes to the body with masturbation
- Cleaning up after masturbating (female bodies)
- Cleaning up after masturbating (male bodies)
- Masturbation is a private behaviour
- Understanding consent
- Where can you talk about masturbation?
- Awareness of appropriate appearance for meeting people
- Changes in feelings with puberty
- Changes in female bodies during puberty
- Changes in male bodies during puberty
- Changing pads regularly
- Disposing of pads properly and replacing with a fresh pad
- Feelings and behaviours during a menstrual cycle
- Knowing when a period is due
- Signs that menstruation will begin soon
- Taking care of your appearance
- Understanding how to keep your body clean
- Wearing a bra
- What is a period?
- Where to change pads
- Who has periods?
- Who to talk to about periods?
Early Concepts: Kimberley Kriol
- Awareness of redressing after masturbation
- Awareness of sexually transmitted infections
- Can you masturbate with other people?
- Changes in feelings with puberty
- Changes in female bodies during puberty
- Changes to how you dress in puberty for girls
- Changes to female bodies during masturbation
- Changing pads regularly
- Differentiating between self and others
- Feelings around a period
- Knowing when a period is due
- Labelling private body parts
- Names of female private body parts
- Public and private body parts
- Signs that menstruation will begin soon
- Taking care of your appearance
- Understanding how to keep your body clean
- Undressing in a private and appropriate space
- What is a period?
- Where can you talk about masturbation?
- Where to change pads
- Who has periods?
- Who to talk to about periods?
- Appropriate frequency of masturbation
- Awareness of redressing after masturbation
- Awareness of sexually transmitted infections
- Awareness of when is a good time to masturbate
- Can you masturbate with other people?
- Changes in feelings with puberty
- Changes in male bodies during puberty
- Changes to male bodies during masturbation
- Cleaning up after masturbation (male bodies)
- Differentiating between self and others
- Labelling private body parts
- Managing arousal in public places
- Taking care of your appearance
- Undressing in a private and appropriate place
Advanced Concepts: English
More coming soon!
More coming soon!