Awareness of feelings in different situations
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This lesson supports curriculum codes:
- ABLEWA Stage A (VCHPEP005)
- ABLEWA Stage B (VCHPEP019)
- ABLEWA Stage C (VCHPEP033)
- ABLEWA Stage D (VCHPEP047)
- Pre-primary (ACPPS003; ACPPS004; ACPPS005)
- Year 1 (ACPPS017; ACPPS020)
- Year 2 (ACPPS017; ACPPS020)
- Year 3 (ACPPS034; ACPPS035; ACPPS038)
- Year 4 (ACPPS034; ACPPS035; ACPPS038)
- Year 5 (ACPPS052; ACPPS056)
- Year 6 (ACPPS052; ACPPS054; ACPPS055; ACPPS056)
- Year 7 (ACPPS070; ACPPS071; ACPPS072)
- Year 8 (ACPPS070; ACPPS071; ACPPS072; ACPPS073; ACPPS074; ACPPS075)
- Year 9 (ACPPS090; ACPPS091; ACPPS093; ACPPS094)
- Year 10 (ACPPS091; ACPPS093; ACPPS094)
This lesson aims to build understanding of how an individual experiences their emotions in different situations. It can also help build awareness of triggers of different emotions due to particular situations. This awareness supports self-awareness, development of reflective functioning, emotion regulation, introduction of behaviour regulation strategies, and appropriate communication and expression of emotions.
Foundation Knowledge for this lesson includes identification of at least one emotion in themselves or others, ability to differentiate between self and others, and awareness of body parts used in expressing emotions.

Generalisation ideas
- Sorting: Use the No Box to sort between feelings that are experienced and those that are not.
- Talking through scenarios: Ask your student to imagine themselves in a different situations and state how they would feel e.g. how would you feel if you were at the shops and you couldn’t see your mum.
- Flipsides: Ask about places or situations when particular feelings might be generated e.g. where do you feel anxious?
- Consequences: Developing strategies for managing uncomfortable feelings e.g. if you are at the shops and you are worried you have lost your mum what should you do?
- Picture sentences: Create sentences describing outcomes e.g. bedroom + curtains closed + door closed = calm
- Sequences: these could introduce emotion regulation strategies e.g. classroom, confused, breathe, talk to, teacher
- Community visits: go to different places and identify how it feels in different environments e.g. busy shopping centre, quiet park, busy traffic, noisy shop
- Teaching opportunities: look out for times when the student has been stressed and talk through the connection between the place they were in and the feelings they experienced.