Awareness of when is a good time to masturbate
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This lesson supports curriculum codes:
- ABLEWA Stage B (VCHPEP020)
- Year 5 (ACPPS052)
- Year 6 (ACPPS052)
This lesson reinforces the idea that masturbation is an acceptable and normal behaviour but is a private behaviour that is performed in a private space at an appropriate time.
Foundation Knowledge for this lesson includes understanding of what it means to be alone or not alone and to have an idea of public and private places especially in the home.

Generalisation ideas
- Sorting: Good times vs not good times
- Discussions: what makes a good time to masturbate? (e.g. alone, private, quiet, in a private place); Sexuality rights – discussing the law around masturbating in public places, why we have these laws, who do they protect, the consequences for breaking the law.
- Social stories: a brief script about when is a good time and the consequences of masturbating at other times.
- Sequences: providing a visual reminder of an upcoming time when it will be appropriate to masturbate.
- Flipsides: what happens when you masturbate and it is not a good time? how do others react if they see you masturbating? how do other people feel if they see you masturbating?
- Teaching opportunities: providing reminders that masturbation is a private behaviour that has to be done in a private space. Pair with lessons around managing erections in public spaces.