Who has periods?
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This lesson support curriculum codes:
- ABLEWA Stage C (VCHPEP030)
- Year 5 (ACPPS052)
- Year 6 (ACPPS052)
This lesson aims to explain that people with a uterus and vagina typically have periods and experience a menstrual cycle, regardless of gender. People who have had a hysterectomy do not experience a menstrual cycle.
Foundation Knowledge for this lesson includes differentiation of male and female bodies; awareness of age and body differences between babies, children, adolescents, and adults; and public and private body parts

Generalisation ideas:
- Sorting: The task could be simplified to include pictures of male and female reproductive systems; young female children vs young female adults.
- Contraception: For older students discuss options for reducing or stopping periods (e.g. implanon, the pill, depo provera) with consideration of health risks including STI transmission even though likelihood of pregnancy is very low (ACPPS092).
- Who can you talk to about periods? Identify key trusted adults your student can speak to if they have further questions.