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What is a girlfriend?

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This lesson supports curriculum codes:

  • ABLEWA Stage D (VCHPEP045)
  • Year 5 (ACPPS052)
  • Year 6 (ACPPS052)
  • Year 8 (ACPPS070)
  • Year 9 (ACPPS093)
  • Year 10 (ACPPS093)



This lesson introduces the concept of romantic relationships and highlights how these are different from other relationships.

Foundation knowledge for this lesson includes differentiation between: male and female; baby vs child vs teen vs adult; self and others; family and others.

Generalisation ideas

  • What is a boyfriend?
  • Sorting:  activities you would do with a girlfriend vs a friend; who could be a girlfriend vs who could not be a girlfriend (e.g. family members, different skin group, strangers, tv personalities)
  • Consequences: how do you find out if someone would like to be your girlfriend?; how do you develop friendships into girlfriend/boyfriend relationships; what sort of feelings do you have when you have a girlfriend?
  • Flipside:  what do you do if someone doesn’t want to be your girlfriend?  what do you do if don’t want to be in a relationship with someone?  what are some tricky feelings of having a girlfriend?  what are the social rules about girlfriends and boyfriends?
  • Social story creation:  developing a relationship with someone you like; managing feelings in a relationship; healthy relationship signs; unhealthy relationship signs
  • Watch DVDs/TV shows:  watch a section, pause, and discuss themes.  Some examples are ‘Mike’s Crush’ about a boy wanting a girl to like him in a romantic way; tv soap operas can be used to demonstrate relationship stages (but often move a lot faster than real life!)

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