Using a condom
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This lesson provides a sequence of illustrations demonstrating how to use condoms and how to dispose of them following use. Illustrations highlighting safe storage and use are also included.

Generalisation ideas
- Models: Practice on plastic penis models; check fine motor coordination; try out a range of condoms
- Sequencing: chain actions for putting on condom and for disposing of appropriately
- Consequences: why use a condom? what happens if a condom breaks? why do you need to use a new condom? why do you need lubricant? what happens if you use the wrong lubricant? What happens if your condom falls off? What if you have a latex allergy?
- Flipside: what happens if a condom breaks? what happens if you leave used condoms lying around? what creams are not lubricants? what if your partner does not want to use a condom?