Undressing in a private and appropriate place
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This lesson supports curriculum codes:
- ABLEWA Stage A (VCHPEP006)
- Pre-primary (ACPPS003; ACPPS006)
This lesson focuses on undressing being a private behaviour that is performed in a private place. It allows for teaching of private behaviours needing to occur in private places. At an early level parents and carers can be conscious of taking their student to a private place to assist with undressing and acknowledging that we get undressed in private places. If appropriate students can combine knowledge of how to make a space private e.g. shutting the door, shutting curtains with private behaviours. At an advanced level consequences of inappropriate undressing can be clarified with discussion of legal implications for undressing in public.
Foundation Knowledge for this lesson includes awareness of public and private places and public and private behaviours.

Generalisation ideas
- Sorting: places you can undress vs places you cannot undress; places ready for undressing vs places not yet ready for undressing (i.e. bathroom with door open; bedroom with curtains open).
- Matching behaviours to places: customise a lesson by photographing places familiar to your student that are ok for them to undress in, use stimulus images of behaviours appropriate to each of the places and ask them to match the appropriate behaviour to place, for example writing = classroom, lounge = watch tv, bedroom = undress.
- Consequences: How do you feel when you get undressed in the right place? How do other people feel when you get undressed in the right place?
- Flipsides: How do people react when you get undressed in a public space? How do you feel when you get undressed in the wrong space?
- Discussion, research, and reflection: what is the law about undressing in public? when you are an adult what are the consequences for undressing in public? Why do you think we have these laws? What are yours and others rights around public displays of private behaviours? What are some other private behaviours we don’t do in public?