Managing arousal in public places
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This lesson supports curriculum codes:
- ABLEWA Stage C (VCHPEP034)
- Year 5 (ACPPS052)
This lesson aims to support development of awareness of situations where an erection might occur with a view to developing appropriate behaviours when this happens.
Foundation Knowledge includes awareness of public and private places and behaviours.

Generalisation ideas
- Sorting: places where its safe to be aroused vs places where it needs to be self-managed
- Strategy development: add appropriate strategies specific to an individual’s situation e.g. feel aroused = go to the bathroom
- Consequences: what happens if you leave an erection alone? what happens if you play with an erection? how do you feel when you get aroused in public places?
- Flipside: how do other people feel about masturbating in public? what does the law say about masturbating in public? how would you feel if someone started masturbating in front of you?