Knowing when a period is due
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This lesson supports curriculum codes:
- ABLEWA Stage B (VCHPEP020)
- Year 6 (ACPPS052)
This lesson supports understanding and awareness of the menstrual cycle to develop skills for being prepared for periods.
Foundation Knowledge for this lesson includes differentiation of male and female bodies; awareness of age and body differences between babies, children, adolescents, and adults; receptive identification of vagina; public and private body parts; receptive identification of sanitary pads, bin, toilet, and underpants; receptive identification of blood.

Generalisation ideas:
- Tracking: use a physical or digital calendar to track premenstrual symptoms, start days, stop days, heavy days, light days, etc. to support developing independence around menstrual management.
- Period bag: put together useful items to carry when a period is close to due (e.g. pads, spare underpants, plastic bag).
- Special drawer: set aside a designated space in a bathroom, bedroom, or toilet that holds pads and spare underwear.
- Watch DVDs: watch educational clips/movies about managing periods e.g. Tara Grows Up (by IHC NZ).
- Frequent talks: allow time to discuss premenstrual symptoms, any changes noticed, and develop strategies to manage and track these.
- App trackers: there are a number of Apps available for Apple and Android smartphones and devices that allow daily input of signs and symptoms and provide visual cues for when a period is due to start.