Changes to the body during masturbation
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This lessons supports curriculum codes:
- ABLEWA Stage D (VCHPEP030)
- Year 5 (ACPPS052)
- Year 6 (ACPPS052)
- Year 7 (ACPPS071)
This lesson aims to support understanding of normal physical and emotional changes that occur during masturbation.
Foundation Knowledge for this lesson includes understanding of public and private behaviours, body parts, and conversation topics.

Generalisation ideas
- Sorting: changes in female bodies vs changes in male bodies
- Managing any anxiety: Some people can become upset over the losing control of what their body is doing, it’s important to normalise the changes that occur for individuals.
- Individual differences: make note of different ages that boys are able to ejaculate so that this is not viewed as something wrong, just that all people develop differently.
- Reinforcing public and private concepts: use this lesson as an opportunity to review masturbation as a private behaviour and a private conversation.
- Who can you talk to? Identify people your student could talk to if they have any questions or worries about changes in their bodies.