Breast checks
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This lesson supports understanding and awareness of:
- how to perform a breast check on yourself
- regular self-checking of breasts
- the process of breast cancer screening
- awareness of signs to prompt help-seeking behaviours

Generalisation ideas
- Awareness of individual learning styles: this information may need to be presented in a gradual manner
- Modelling: a trusted person can demonstrate how to perform a check; use a model breast or large round fruit or ball to teach and demonstrate understanding
- Empowering with choices: If any of the concerning symptoms arise what are your choices
- Sorting: healthy vs unhealthy breast
- Matching: breast problem illustrations with real images to ensure understanding
- Calendar checking: putting a check on a visual calendar as a reminder to perform a breast check
- Consequences: what happens if you find a problem with your breast?; who can you talk to about breast health?
- Flipside: what if you don’t do anything about a problem with your breasts?