Awareness of sexually transmitted infections
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This lesson supports curriculum code:
- Year 10 (ACPPS092)
This lesson aims to provide safer sex education with awareness of STI’s, ways of preventing them, and when and how to organise a sexual health check. The advanced concepts version has further information about procedures involved in sexual health checks.
Foundation knowledge includes awareness of public and private talk, body parts, and behaviours.

Generalisation ideas
- Condom use demonstrations on artificial models
- Turn condoms into dams
- Invite a sexual health professional to talk to a small group
- Consequences: discuss what could happen if an infection goes untreated; discuss what could happen if someone doesn’t know they have an infection
- Flipside: how would you feel if someone asked you to have sex without a condom? when could someone have sex without a condom?
- Watch educational clips about young people and STIs
- Identify who your student could safely talk to about STIs.