Appropriate frequency of masturbation
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This lesson supports curriculum codes:
- ABLEWA Stage B (VCHPEP020)
- Year 5 (ACPPS052)
- Year 6 (ACPPS052)
This lesson reinforces the idea that masturbation is an acceptable and normal behaviour but is a private behaviour that is performed in a private space at an appropriate time. Some students/children/clients need guidance to understand when they will next have an opportunity to engage in masturbation. Where there is a high frequency of masturbation it is important to assess the function of the behaviour and develop an intervention plan based on this information.
Foundation Knowledge for this lesson includes understanding of what it means to be alone or not alone and to have an idea of public and private places especially in the home.

Generalisation Ideas
- Sorting: identify times when it is and isn’t appropriate to masturbate; sort images of when not to masturbate e.g. feeling sore, uncomfortable, redness on private parts
- Consequences: what can happen if you masturbate too often?
- Flipside: how do others feel if they see you masturbating? How would you feel if someone started masturbating near you?
- Identify times when it is appropriate to masturbate, take a picture, and use this as a flashcard to show if the student starts to masturbate at an inappropriate time.